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Tuesday 5 June 2012

It's Been A While...

Oh, hello! Sorry. I've not posted anything on here in a while... I've been pretty busy with one thing or another. But now I have a little more time on my hands I promise to start blogging again more regularly. So, shall we have a little catch up?

First off, DOCTOR WHO! Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have finished their time on the show. Amy and Rory Pond/Williams are set to leave the Doctor and the TARDIS in a story to be shown later this year. The new companion will be played by Jenna Louise Coleman who, we have found out, will be called Clara. 

That's pretty much all we know at the moment, so there's not much more to tell. But there'll be lots more to come, no doubt! So stay tuned.

Honestly, I am really sorry for not blogging in months. I feel like I've got to get my mojo back now. Like I've forgotten how to do this properly (though some may argue that I never did it properly in the first place...).

What else has happened? Ummmm..... OH YEAH! The Jubilee! There were some boats, then a concert (with Madness playing on the roof of Buckingham Palace, complete with a street of houses projected on the palace front, which looked great!) and then today there was a parade or something. Then the Queen went to bed because she's eighty-fucking-six and she doesn't give a shiny shit about the Jubilee herself! So that was nice too.

This really is a post about nothing, I'm afraid, but I'm warming up to some cracking reviews of things I've watched recently (well, in the last few months) including blogs about Homeland, The Apprentice and a sarcastic one about RTD's upcoming kids' drama/fantasy Wizards vs Aliens! One last time: sorry I've been gone so long...

Oh, and last night we won the Quiz Of Rassilon... No big deal.