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Wednesday 2 February 2011

Service Is Over

If you've been watching the wonderful Michel Roux's Service as avidly as myself then you should know that it's almost over - it's on tonight at 8pm (BBC2) and tomorrow night - then that's it! Tonight sees the trainees serving more well-known guests - Gok Wan, Sophie Ellis-Bexter and Dairmuid Gavin - as they return to London after serving every type of customer thinkable, from snotty toffs to smelly builders. And what a journey it has been! Highs, lows and tantrums - we've seen it all. We've met a bunch of people from all walks of life who have succeeded admirably at making themselves some of the most likeable reality tv contestants (if you could call them that, I wouldn't) that have ever appeared on screen - every single one of them charming and gracious. I've loved every minute of this series and am genuinely sad to see it end. It's been the best thing on TV this year so far.

I think if you were to ask them, though, the trainees would say that they've had a wonderful (if sometimes stressful) experience. Well, guess what? You CAN ask them. is hosting a live web-chat with many of the people we've watched blossom into the sort of service staff we're not used to in this country.  I'm going to do my very best to pop over and say my "hellos" (and maybe apologise for a comment I made on Twitter about a certain trainee, something that was not unpleasant or derogatory, but was never meant to be read by her... who knew she was on Twitter?! I do, now!) and I suggest you should all pop by too. Just click the link above (then follow the very short and harmless registration) at 9pm to ask the guys, to their face (sort of), what the hell they were thinking when they agreed to this and whether they're glad they did! :)

Hopefully, I'll see you there!